Friday, October 16, 2009

Remove mono from Karmic Koala ( Ubuntu - 9.10 )

One of the very first things I did in my new system was to remove mono.

so what is to be done is

apt-get purge mono-runtime

Then install all the other cool apps which are not written in C#. Run the below command and see which apps depends on mono runtime.

apt-cache rdepends mono-runtime


Karmic Koala is awesome

Recently I installed Karmic Koala 64bit beta version in my laptop(HP compaq 6720s) and it's really awesome. The graphic issues which I had in jaunty seems to be gone with the new system works fine with Intel 965 chipset. And there are some major changes like Grub2, upstart, Telepathy which needs some time to get familiarise with. Hope to write more on this new experiences and how to get work done. For a list of changes follow this link

BTW I had some issues with broadcom wireless card but it may be because this is beta version and with the help of a wired network it was quickly solved. We have 13 more days for the final releae and I really like to say THANK YOU for the all the people who put there valuable time to bring this awesome operating system to the community.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Remove mono completely from Ubuntu 9.04

Follow this link and execute the command stated there there

I should say a big thank you for the person who maintain the above site. I was concerned about the ongoing debate about having mono in Ubuntu by default and with this presentation(PDF) (and the video here) at Defcon 15, thought it's better to be removed from my system.

Anyways there won't be any problem by removing it. At least for me. What I'm going to miss is Tomboy and F-spot. From Karmic, I'm going to miss Banshee too. But comparing the alternatives it's better have the alternatives :)

Gnote is a great replacement for Tomboy and seems to use less amount of memory.
To install Gnote in Jaunty we have to use PPA. But in Karmic hopefully it will be in repos.

F-spot is a software that I didn't use actually. To copy images from a camera can be done using nautilus and can be opened and edit using gThumb Image viewer generally.
But there is some kinda replacement is comming up. Read here : Solang

Banshee vs Rhythmbox : I don't won't my system to run as a radio. And I do other work which require more memory and processing power than the music player.

As I heard we are going to miss Rhythmbox in Karmic but still the great Debian package manager is there to download it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Unlocking Young Minds - 2009

Our colleagues been able to do it again successfully after 2 years. This time I actually been able to contribute to the exhibition by organizing the Operating system section and helping the Open Source section which was next to our section. I take this opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU for Uthpala, Yoshan and 2 of the batch 7 brothers who did explanations to the curious attendees. Even though Me and Uthpala was supposed to work on OS and Open-source sections respectively, I got a chance of jumping in to FOSS section too. And I gladly remember my friend Uthpala and his great knowledge(Comparatively Superior to most of us) which helped me alot during the event. And so many thanks goes to the other friends(Nadeesha, Hayesha, Indika, Chinthaka, Prabath, Kawthisa, Chamile etc...ect...) who helped us in setting up the environment, spending their time and energy to make our section a success in this Exhibition. Karunaratne sir also tried his best to power up our section by providing extension codes from his room and it's no wonder since he's using Ubuntu in his Desktop. Thank you sir. I should respectfully remember the most dedicated pair, who worked to make this event a success Abekoon and Deneth. Without them it would be a nightmare for the faculty to do this event. And idea of having a section called OS and Open-Source software first put to the table by Deneth and Thanks alot for that too. Last but not least I should show my gratitude towards the people who came to our section asking various questions. Thanks everybody, you encouraged all of us.

So after this thanks giving, it is better to look back and talk about the experience we got, so it will help us to improve our self and others too. The fun part of involving in explaining stuff relating to OS and FOSS was multiplied by having a entire room for Microsoft stuff next to our room. The expectation of having a section called OS was to give a basic idea about Operating Systems and it functionalities. We been able to setup Minix, Solaris, FreeBSD, Fedora, Ubuntu and a Mac book as example of OS. Of course we deliberately drop Windows because it's already available in the preceding room. In FOSS section, the idea was to introduce Free Software and Open Source software which can be used in various platforms for various reasons and we tried to explain the differences between licenses also. For this section we setup three machines, including one XP box loaded with FOSS. Having these sections in one room is not a coincident. What we want was there are some other Operating Systems besides Windows and that is Linux.(Actually we promoted Linux very much rather than BSD or OpenSolaris. Ubuntu was the winning Distro). After these two sections, there were two other sections for examples of Open Source developments. Section for SAHANA project was conducted by Hayesha(one of the commiters of the project and one and only open source developer I personally know in our batch), and there was another project done using WSO2 WSF by two of our juniors.

There were many different people who came to our section after climbing 3 stories and finding our section in a dark corner after the Microsoft room. Before coming to our stall they have to resist the temptation of going to the Game stall, Microsoft stall and Turing back because they are too tired to watch any more. But there were many people who were willing to know stuff. I'm planning to write another post on what mistakes we made, what were most of the people were seeking for. And a comparison of Microsoft stall and our section activities.

Finally one of the great things to be heard after an event like this was heard by Yoshan during the technical session under the Topic of Information Security, which been held last evening of the exhibition.
The Presenter : (Asking from the audience..) You watched the exhibition right..? So which sections you did visit..
Audience : (Most of them had common answer) We went to the OS/FOSS section, we saw Linux, we saw Open Source.

What else you can expect better than this....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Display a fortune when u open terminal

Just put this entry in ur ~/.bashrc and u will be treated with nice fortunes whenever you open a new terminal
/usr/games/fortune -a

Samples :D

Naturally the common people don't want war... but after all it is the leaders
of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship,
or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you
have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists
for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same
in every country.
-- Hermann Goering

Zen poem

To follow the path:
look to the master,
follow the master,
walk with the master,
see through the master,
become the master.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Building a HSM_RKM for PKI

This is my final year project and I would like to give an introduction to the project through this post. The project is about building a Hardware secured, Root Key Manager for a Public Key infrastructure which operates off line. Root Key Manager is the system which provides keys to the top node(Root CA) of the PKI. The security of these keys are vital to maintain the trust of whole PKI. Therefore we need to secure the RKM in various ways. Currently there are systems which provides the functionality to some extent. But the problem with the available systems are, they cost huge amount of money and they aren't open to public since they are properitery. The Goal of this project is to built a system which is low cost and open for academia for further extentions and studying purposes. The project is supervised by Dr. Chandana Gamage.

The initial system requirement
  • Access to the HSM-RKM must be controlled via a two-factor
    authentication mechanism
  • Should provide output of the HSM-RKM through a portable external
    interface such as a USB-Flash-ROM memory device
  • Generate the root key pair and securely store the private key
    within the HSM-RKM and output the public key through the external
  • Generate a limited number of other key pairs and securely store
    the private keys within the HSM-RKM and output the public keys
    through the external interface
  • Self-certify the root-key public key certificate
  • Certify any other public key certificate input through the
    external interface
  • The HSM-RKM must be of suitable dimension and construction to be
    securely stored in a safe
I'm going to use this post to comment on the progress and changes of the project work hereafter.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Working with FreeBSD

It's finally up and running :D
I change the operating system of our own tiny knowledge sharing server to FreeBSD 7 from Ubuntu. Now all the needed services are running and our guys can use it. This is going to be a good opportunity for me to experience how to administrate a Free-BSD server and should improve the security of it too.
There are ample of resources avail on Internet about configuring BSD. Thanks for the community for comming up with such resources and guidance. A good method of finding BSD specific stuff is using